Malediven: G8 Beschluss – too little, too late

Der Aussenminister der Malediven hat sich mit einer Pressemitteilung in die Debatte um die Bewertung der G8-Ergebnisse eingemischt. Die Malediven sind eine Inselgruppe im indischen Ozean, die bei einem Meeresspiegelanstieg durch Klimawandel vom Untergang bedroht sind.

Ein Auszug (Hervorhebungen durch mich):

Mr. Abdulla Shahid welcomed the explicit recognition of a concrete target of 50% for emission reductions but decried the lack of urgency and global leadership shown by leaders from the world’s leading industrialized nations. „The Maldives welcomes the G8’s commitment to undertake cuts rather than only to „consider“ them as previously. However, the simple fact of the matter is that 50% cuts by 2050 would represent too-little too-late for people in the world’s most vulnerable countries, including the Maldives“ said the Minister.

Minister Shahid said that the Maldives is particularly concerned by the lack of a shorter-term target to significantly cut emissions by 2020. „In order to achieve long-term stabilization of greenhouse gas emissions well below 450ppm and global temperature increases well below 2 degrees Celsius, emissions must peak within the next ten for fifteen years“ said the Minister. „It is therefore imperative that industrialized countries take action now based on robust short- and medium-term reduction commitments“.

The Minister also noted that 50% reductions by 2050 would be insufficient to save countries like the Maldives from rising seas. „For low-lying Small Islands and coastal communities, 50% is not enough“ said the Minister. Climate change is not a future projection; it is affecting people now, right here in the Maldives and all around the planet. It is affecting their lives, livelihoods, and human rights; and these effects are getting progressively worse.

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