COP 19 Guide to Corporate Lobbying

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), die auch den lobbykritischen Blog zum Einfluss der fossilen Industrie auf die COP 19 in Warschau verantworten, haben jetzt gemeinsam mit dem Transnational Institute (TNI) den „COP 19 Guide to Corporate Lobbying“ herausgebracht (Untertitel: „Climate crooks and the Polish government’s partners in crime“). Neben den bekannten klimapolitischen Bremsern (fossile Lobby: Öl-, Gas- und Kohleindustrie), beschreiben sie darin aber auch die problematischen Positionen und Aktivitäten scheinbar progressiver Akteure wie z.B. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) und  The Climate Group. Und besondere Aufmerksamkeit bekommen neben den Businesspartnern der polnischen Regierung z.B. auch die Atom-, CCS-, Stahl-, Agrar- und Chemieindustrie.

Das Fazit von CEO:

Corporate lobby groups are pushing for false solutions to climate change, such as carbon markets, coal and CCS, shale gas, agrofuels, GM and nuclear, all wrapped-up in nice-sounding phrases like “low carbon”, “clean”, “green economy”, “sustainable growth” or “bioeconomy”. Big business has become the king of spin, disguising its pro-profit and environmentally exploitative agenda, lobbying for so-called “solutions” that will fail to prevent catastrophic climate change and lock us into a system dependent on fossil fuels. […] But rather than standing up to these powerful and self-serving corporations, the UNFCCC is granting them an ever-more central role in designing the “solution”.

Und die Lösung:

It is time for the UN and the international community to open its eyes to corporate spin and powerful vested interests, and work towards real alternatives that embody the principles of social, environmental and climate justice. Leave big business polluters and corporate climate crooks out of the negotiating room.


